PC Party Leadership Debate - Brandon
The 2025 Leadership race for Manitoba’s PC Party is well underway!
Join our two candidates in Brandon as they take the stage for a debate on Wednesday, February 19th, at the Dome Building.
This is a great opportunity to hear candidates Obby Khan and Wally Daudrich discuss how they plan to address the issues that matter most to you.
Visit pcmanitoba.com/leadership2025 to learn more
RSVP and submit questions (must RSVP) at debates@pcmanitoba.com
**Attendance is open to all current party members and those who have been a member in the last 2 years.**
The event will be available to view on pcmanitoba.com.

Tory's at Quarry Golf Tournament
Join us on August 21st at Quarry Oaks Golf Course for our annual golf tournament!
Check in: 10:30 AM
Shotgun start: 12:00 PM
Call PC Headquarters at (204) 594-4080; or
Email Markee Ross at markee.ross@pcmanitoba.com