Trevor King
Trevor King was born and raised near Warren in the Rural Municipality of Woodlands, where he continues to live and operate the family farm with his wife of 28 years and 4 sons.
His political life began at an early age, beginning as a youth leader for the Cooperative Youth Leadership Camp in his early teens. After that, he moved on to taking a practical politics course for municipal and then provincial politics at the Manitoba Legislature following his graduation from high school.
Trevor has volunteered on many community groups, boards, and sports clubs over the years before being elected as Councillor for the Rural Municipality of Woodlands in 2006, where he continued until 2014 before being elected Reeve from 2014 to 2018. During that time, he was also elected to the Board of Directors of the Association of Manitoba Municipalities, where he served from 2010 to 2018 as the Interlake District Director.
Trevor left municipal politics to focus on his career as the Energy Division Manager for Prairie Roots Consumers Cooperative in Marquette, Elm Creek, and Starbuck.